Vet Services
Dairy Services
We help you to develop and implement plans that anticipate and prevent production losses from animal health problems.
Providing a dairy farm service is about being proactive: we help you to develop and implement plans that anticipate and prevent production losses from animal health problems – these can be a huge and often unseen cost to your dairy farm. We are a progressive team who pride ourselves in working with our clients to help them to achieve their animal health, reproductive and productivity goals.
Let us be the fence at the top of the cliff rather than just the ambulance at the bottom.
We designate an experienced vet to oversee your farm operation, implement and review animal health plans, reproductive plans, mastitis prevention, PAR consults, etc.
This means that one vet knows your operation inside out. During calving, or when animals are sick, we try to send out your dedicated vet, although in springtime another vet will be there to support you without delay in busy times.
We offer competitive pricing with our efficient infrastructure and low overheads – we aren’t passing on the costs of a large office to you.

Further Services
Emergency Response
We are here to help with an immediate response service for our dairy clients, at any time of the day or night. We consider this a core part of our business and make sure we have enough vets to support our valued clients.
Your after-hours phone calls are connected directly to the on-call vet, there is no answering service in between.
Teat-sealing is a proactive treatment. By using a teatsealant, we decrease heifer calving mastitis, saving heifer wastage, your time and money.
We offer all our clients an on-farm teatsealing service for their heifers. We bring a well-designed herringbone style trailer to your run-off or dairy farm, and the heifers are loaded into the trailer. A full team of experienced veterinarians and trained technicians carry out the procedure efficiently and to a high standard.
Calf Disbudding
We have a highly trained team of Vets and Vet technicians to meet your calf disbudding needs. All calves are sedated and carefully monitored throughout the procedure. This is proven to reduce stress in your replacements, to enable them to get the best start to life. Other treatments such as vaccination and checking for extra teats can be carried out at the same time on request. Our team works carefully and efficiently to get this important job done.
Milk Quality Management
Your lead vet is highly trained in mastitis prevention and treatment. We can ensure that you achieve your cell count goals. We understand that despite all the best efforts, sometimes things do go awry and we’re here to help you get back on track if required. We offer grade busting and milk quality management visits to identify any gaps in your system, quickly fix grading issues and help prevent mastitis or further grades in the future.
Healthy Hoof
We are accredited Healthy Hoof Providers - we help you set up and maintain the programme. We’ve seen proven results in reduced incidence of herd lameness.
Find out more about the Healthy Hoof Programme on the DairyNZ website.
Reproductive Advisory Service
A compact calving is the key to an efficient dairy farming business. Culling decisions hinge around reproductive performance, and we are here to help you achieve these goals. Work closely with your lead vet to maximise your herd’s in calf rate, maximise the amount of milk in the vat and minimise your empty rate.
Body Condition Scoring
Body condition measurement is essential to ensure you have your nutrition right. If you can’t measure it, you can’t fix it. Regularly monitoring the condition of your herd allows you to plan and prepare to ensure you meet your production and reporduction goals.
We have a team of Vets and Vet technicians trained and accredited to assess your herd body condition, either in the paddock or at milking.
Weekly Visits
We can provide a weekly or biweekly vet visit service for our dairy clients throughout spring. This often involves going through the red mob, herd monitoring to set you up for the season, minimising metabolics, treating dirty cows and giving support around springer health and management, any mastitis issues, colostrum health and ensuring your milkers get off to a good start. If we can get it right in early lactation, we can help to set your herd up for a good season and mating to follow.
Technological Solutions
We have the latest systems for your planning, measuring and recording needs.
• Software programs to record, analyse, monitor and benchmark your herd’s overall performance.
• We help you set up annual farm animal health plans and reproductive timetables.
• We can test for trace elements and develop customised blends.
• We work with the latest ultrasound scanning equipment with detailed recording systems.
• We can design custom made ‘springer mixes’ to prevent metabolic disease at calving.