Reviving newborn lambs with dextrose

Lambs aged 5 hours or more that are suffering from exposure have a greater chance of survival if injected with dextrose BEFORE they are warmed up. They have already used up the store of energy they are born with, and warming when energy stores are exhausted can hasten their death. An intra-peritoneal injection of 10ml/kg…

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Slug bait toxicity

Last month we discussed how toxic antifreeze can be for our pets, this month we’re covering another common household product that can be fatal if eaten by our pets. Slug bait is used by many gardeners to control slugs and snails in vege gardens.  Unfortunately, the same ingredients that make slug bait attractive to slugs…

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Cat friendly vet visits

Cats are typically very territorial, and can find new places, faces, and scents quite stressful. Being bundled into a carrier and then driven to the clinic can make them understandably anxious. Here are a few ideas for ways to make your pet cat’s visit less stressful. Get them used to a carrier; and use a…

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Antifreeze toxicity

Winter is the time of year when everything freezes- but hopefully not your car!  It’s a good time for a reminder about antifreeze toxicity in pets. Antifreeze (or ethylene glycol) is a substance found in engine coolants that prevents the fluid from freezing.  It has a very sweet taste, so animals, especially cats, are very…

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Litter tray tips for cats

Toileting problems are one of the most common behavioural issues reported in cats. One possible cause is an inadequate litter tray (in the cat’s eyes!). Here are a few tips to provide the best litter tray conditions. 1) Always provide a tray, even for outdoor cats.  There are times when a cat may not be happy…

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Toxic algae

As summer gets underway, taking your dog to the lakes or a river is a great way to keep cool and enjoy time with family. Unfortunately, warm weather also causes Cyanobacteria, a type of toxic algae, to grow rapidly. It can grow on the bottom of riverbeds, and look like a slimy, dark brown or…

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Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs

Important Information for Pet Owners Ibuprofen is a commonly used over-the-counter pain reliever for humans, but it can be extremely harmful and even life-threatening to dogs. This information sheet is designed to help you understand the dangers of Ibuprofen toxicity in dogs and what to do if your dog is exposed to this medication. What…

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Allergies in pets

As we come into the warmer months, pollens and environmental allergens are present at an all time high. For some of our pets this may mean that the season of itching and scratching has begun.Dogs and cats can be allergic to many different things including fleas, mites, foods (mostly animal proteins) and environmental allergens such…

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When is it the right time to say goodbye?

This is never an easy conversation to have but we are very fortunate in veterinary medicine to have the ability to perform euthanasia on animals.  Most vets will say that this can be the hardest part of our jobs but it can be reframed as the most rewarding as we are caring for animals by…

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Pets in hot cars

Did you know it’s illegal to leave your pet in a car on a hot day and you can be liable for a $300 fine? The windows of your car act like a glass house and the inside temperature can get very hot, very quickly – even with the windows cracked.If it’s 22 degrees outside…

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